Why would we call our website like this? You might ask. Well first of all, umami is considered by many scientists the fifth flavor. We have salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami. What the flavor really is, is a bit hard to explain. You can especially find it in meat, mushrooms, cheese and tomatoes. It's basically the savory flavor.

We really like savory food. And we like to search for good savory food. But this is not the reason why we called the website like that. It's actually the old meaning of the word that is the main reason. The word comes from Japanese. And like many Japanese words this one has a lot of weight. I'll try to explain it by telling you some definitions I found.

- A stock market tip with much promise is said to have umami
- A particularly good piece of writing can have umami
- Umami wakens positive emotions
- Umami contains a promise of a pleasurable outcome
- Umami conveys a sense of beauty
- It’s what you begin to understand if/when you mature, a journey

It's something new and unknown. That is why we chose to name our website like we did. The cool names that we actually wanted were already taken 🙂

7 thoughts on “In search of umami

  1. Reply
    lida - March 15, 2015

    Thank you for explaining that, I wondered what it means. It is a well chosen beautiful name .!

  2. Reply
    Els Stürm - March 15, 2015

    Wat ontroerend de uitleg van de naam. Als ik nog een dochtertje zou kunnen en willen krijgen noemde ik haar Umami. Prachtig.
    De foto’s zijn ook wonderschoon.

    Liefs Els. xxx

    1. Reply
      JD - March 16, 2015

      Dank je wel Els. Leuk om te horen dat je het mooi vind 🙂 :*

  3. Reply
    laurentia - March 20, 2015

    nu…. ik vind umami ook heel cool……

    nog steeds op vakantie of is het reisgevoel er al?

    hebben jullie ook de zonsverduistering kunnen zien ?



    1. Reply
      JD - March 20, 2015

      Hoi Laurentia,
      We zijn erg enthousiast over morgen omdat dan het echte reisgevoel begint. Dan gaan we namelijk naar de boerderij :). Dat wordt super cool. Zonsverduistering was helaas alleen op het noordelijk halfrond te zien 🙁

      1. Reply
        laurentia - March 26, 2015


        Hoe is heet met jullie? aangekomen op de boerderij?

        Ben benieuwd naar julie verhalen,,



        1. Reply
          Marta - March 28, 2015

          Jaaaa:) maar we hebben geen internet daar. Maar nu hebben we eventjes iets geschreven en fotos gepost:)

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