Buenos Aires has a population of 3 million and the Greater Buenos Aires of 13 million. And we feel it, oh yes we do!!! It's really busy, there are plenty of cars and people everywhere. Every time we think next street will be calmer we are wrong. It's really noisy too. Tourists in Amsterdam (even those who only visit the coffee shops) don't get anywhere near the decibels that we experience here. But it's a fascinating city too. Although it's busy, noisy and polluted there is plenty of amazing flora and fauna in here. Most of the roads have trees that are green. There are also quite a few parks but even from a park you can see the booming metropolis and you can definitely hear it which creates an amazing contrast. The most amazing trees that that we have seen so far are called palos borrachos (drunken branches). The have beautiful pink flowers which are pretty big (up to 15 cm). Another remarkable tree is ombu which has limbs growing parallel and above the ground which gives it a fairy tale look. It grows up to 18 m. As far as wikipedia informs it's wood is soft and spongy so it's easy to shape it and perfect for bonsai art. It's also a symbol of Argentina, Uruguay and the gaucho's.
I guess Argentinian people enjoy their nature as much as we do as there is even a sculpture of an enormous flower which opens everyday in the morning and closes when the sun goes down. It's really spectacular and original.

Wat ziet dat er prachtig uit!!! Dat hebben jullie leuk gedaan, of moet ik zeggen: “Dat heb je leuk gedaan Marta”!
Heel leuk om jullie ook zo “bij te houden”al hoe wel ik het appen ook fijn vind!!!
Hahaha:) bedankt Lida:) maak je geen zorgen we gaan sowieso appen:)